Libriamoci - read everywhere, read anyway
Thursday 19 October at 10.30 am – event reserved for high schools
Conference on " The plague in La Spezia and in the Ligurian Levant in 1657 "
Conference on the causes, course and eradication of the epidemic that struck La Spezia and the Ligurian Levant in 1657. Attention will be focused on the measures taken by public authorities to combat the epidemic with a brief digression on the history of era and we will focus on the similarities and differences with the Manzonian plague.
Author biography
Roberto PALUMBO, graduated in History from the University of Genoa, is councilor of the “Giovanni Capellini” Lunigianese Academy of Sciences with the role of contact person in relations between the Academy and the educational institutions. He is particularly committed to the study of local history.
Thursday 19 October 4.00pm - 6.30pm – LibriamociKids
Workshops for children aged 3-6 years by Alessandra Cerretti “ SOS from the North Pole! ” organized by the AIDEA La Spezia Association
Laboratory description
In the sea near the North Pole a bear finds a strange object that threatens to suffocate him. What is it about? And how will his three friends help him? By reading the book " SOS from the North Pole " by Alessandra Cerretti, Paoline publishing house, the topic of plastic pollution in the seas and environmental protection will be addressed . Followed by a fun educational workshop.
Graduated in foreign languages and literature, she lives in La Spezia, her hometown where she collaborates on educational and reading projects with schools, libraries and bookshops. He has published short stories to support the Lega del Filo d'Oro and the Italian Cystic Fibrosis League and many children's books and obtained numerous literary awards. His book Run, run Al 1 ed. Il Ciliegio obtained the nomination for the Strega award for girls and boys aged 6+ in 2022.
Thursday 19 October at 4.30pm
Andrea BROWN
Presentation of the book " Demons, ghosts and legends of Japan " , Newton Compton Editori 2023
Presented by Massimo Benassi
When we think of the land of the Rising Sun a series of contrasting images cannot help but come to mind: skyscrapers of glass and steel and Buddhist temples in wood and gold leaf ; hyper-fast trains and parks full of cherry blossoms; technology at its peak development and centuries-old superstitions. The author leads the reader to discover the hidden faces of modern Japan, highlighting how ancient and irrational beliefs can survive even in perhaps the most technological country in the world . After all, in a megalopolis like Tokyo there is also room for gods , spirits and demons.
Author biography
Andrea MARRONE lived and worked for twenty years in the Far East. He collaborates with Italian and foreign newspapers. He has written various novels.
Thursday 19 October at 6.30pm
Giampaolo SIMI
Presentation of the book " The customer of consideration " , Sellerio 2023
Presents Gabriella Tartarini
When he was a journalist, Dario Corbo only sought the truth that his readers would like. Since he no longer has a newspaper, he has discovered many truths that he didn't like at all. For this reason he doesn't want to collaborate with the police in the investigation that his ex-wife Giulia had undertaken at the cost of her life. An Etruscan necropolis devastated in years of nocturnal excavations, a traffic that enriched the Curr family , the patriarch Vincenzo , his daughter Maddalena who is gaining recognition as a gallery owner of contemporary art, her enigmatic companion Cosimo Roi, who maneuvers that money to the shelter of a Swiss financial company. Corbo has other priorities , a son to take care of, his impossible love for Nora Beckford. The colonel of the carabinieri calls him back to his duties, and the Curr clan goes on to attack the Beckford Foundation and the prestige it represents. The plan to enter the Scuda as masters is diabolically devised, a subtle trap into which Nora will be the first to fall , with her determination, her dreams and her fragilities . But above all with her love for Dario, with whom she is finally breaking her own internal chains. In the best novel of the series, as in a spy story, Corbo plays on multiple tables , investigates and acquires information, defuses dangers, manipulates friends and enemies, and tells each interlocutor the right lie, all to protect his son and save Nora and the foundation. The reckoning with the past, his and our country's, cannot be postponed.
Author 's biography
Giampaolo Simi, scriptwriter and screenwriter of series such as " RIS " and " Crimini ", is the author of the fiction " Nero a met à" . His books have received various awards and have been translated in France and Germany.
Thursday 19 October at 9pm – LibriamoCinema
“ Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris , ” directed by Anthony Fabian with Lesley Manville
A delightful comedy with a brilliant screenplay based on the novel by Paul Gallico written in 1958, which earned the nomination for best costume design at the 2023 Oscar Awards and the nomination for best actress in a musical or comedy film for Lesley Manville at the 2023 Golden Globe Awards. In 1950s London, Mrs. Ada Harris is a cleaner who leads a simple and ordinary life after the death of her husband. Ada who ends up falling in love with a high fashion Dior dress to the point of becoming obsessed with it. Determined to have one just like it, the woman sets off for Paris: the journey will change not only her vision of the world but also the very future of the Maison Dior.
Friday 20 October at 10.30 am – event reserved for high schools
Presentation of the book “ Angela Gotelli. Christian Democrat, constituent, forerunner of welfare policies " , Rubbettino 2023
Angela Gotelli (1905-1996) constituent, Christian Democrat politician, undersecretary of state, forerunner of modern welfare policies. She was among the twenty-one women elected to the Constituent Assembly on 2 June 1946 . A high school teacher, he knew how to combine faith and political commitment. Red Cross worker, anti-fascist, resister, exponent of the Catholic women's movement. National female president of Fuci, among the organizers of the Catholic Graduates. He found the reasons for his political commitment in Catholic associations and in the personalist cultural movement. She participated in the drafting of the Camaldoli Code and in the founding phases of the Christian Democracy in 1943. Among the first women to obtain government positions as Undersecretary of State for Work and Health .
Author 's biography
Doctor of research in " Political thought and political communication " at the University of Genoa , he is a permanent lecturer at the Ligurian ISSR and advisor to the Carispezia Foundation.
Friday 20 October at 4.30pm
Davide SISTO
Presentation of the book “ The boundaries of humanity . The technique, the nature, the species ” , Il Mulino 2023
The human changes, because the human is history . And now we have to decide what we want to become. The technological revolution is making our world an extraordinary laboratory of the future, albeit full of risks. For the first time it is the very form of the human - its limits and its boundaries - that becomes the object of a transformation that shifts the evolutionary path of our species from the history of nature to that of intelligence , making its next stages just a result of our choices.
Author 's biography
Davide Sisto is a professor at the University of Turin and at the Master Death Studies & the End of Life at the University of Padua . It also collaborates with the University of Trieste .
Friday 20 October 5.00pm - 6.30pm – LibriamociKids
Workshop for children aged 6-11 years by Michele Neri on Italo Calvino
Laboratory description
To celebrate one hundred years since the birth of Italo Calvino, the workshop will be an opportunity for the little ones to discover this author and listen to the narration of many fairy tales and legends from different regions of Italy. Taking free inspiration from the precious collection of " Le fiabe italiana " edited by Italo Calvino.
Michele Neri works as a librarian in Florence and plans and organizes meetings and reading workshops in schools, museums and libraries throughout Italy. He collects, studies and reworks the texts of the great collections of fairy tales and legends of the Italian popular tradition and those of the Mediterranean countries, re-proposing them in always different narratives calibrated according to the audience.
Friday 20 October at 6.30pm
Pierluigi CONTUCCI
Presentation of the book “ Artificial intelligence revolution. Challenges, risks and opportunities ” , Edizioni Dedalo 2023
Presented by Armando Massarenti, philosopher and epistemologist, director of the " Science and Philosophy " series for Mondadori University
Only 20 watts are enough to make the human brain work , the same consumption as the incandescent light bulb that was on grandmother's bedside table many years ago. The brain allows us to relate to the world, study, plan, fantasize and even fall in love; it is a magnificent yet imperfect organ, which makes us enjoy one status privileged in the world. However , from a pile of inert materials such as metals, metalloids and plastics crossed by devils called algorithms, computers are today able to learn autonomously and surpass man in many of his mental abilities . Artificial intelligence, the daughter of man , is undermining that privilege and the gut reactions are not long in coming. Contucci allows the reader to get a precise idea about this new, pervasive and unstoppable technology, starting to separate the myths from the facts. The period we are living in is historically framed as a new industrial revolution and the author highlights the challenges that await us and the assessment of the associated risks, in order to transform this occasion into a great opportunity .
Author 's biography
Pierluigi Contucci is a mathematical physicist, full professor at the University of Bologna , visiting professor at the Tokyo Polytechnic, at the Institut Henri Poincarè in Paris and at New York University. He deals with static mechanics and its applications. He speaks on scientific topics of public interest in newspapers and magazines such as Il Sole 24 Ore and Il Mulino. In 2019 he coordinated the Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence for the National Research Plan wanted by the MIUR.
Friday 20 October at 9pm
MURUBUTU, “ I choose my words carefully ”
writes about lifestyles and youth cultures in national newspapers such as “ Alias ” and “ L' Espresso ” .
In his talk Murubutu proposes a reflection that starts from the relationship between music and literature in order to deepen the links between the latter and the most widespread musical genre among young Italians in recent decades: rap. Strengthened by his experience in the youth world, both as a teacher and as an established rapper, Murubutu retraces the genesis and evolution of rap in Italy, highlighting its intrinsic and extrinsic literary components, its expressive peculiarities , the phases of development from the 90s to to the new linguistic codes of trap. On the basis of a discography made up of seven albums completely dedicated to storytelling (including Infernvm, with rapper Claver Gold, an album dedicated to the first of Dante's three cantos) Murubutu also reasons on the unexpressed potential of rap with respect to the relationship with poetry, classical narrative and contemporary, paying great attention to experimentation but above all to school teaching.
Author 's biography
Murubutu, stage name of Alessio Mariani, is a philosophy and history teacher who has been reflecting on the interaction between school content and rap music since the 2000s . In 2009 he began a solo project dedicated to storytelling in which the musicality of classic hip hop is combined with lyrics with a strong songwriting and poetic bent .
Saturday 21 October at 9am in collaboration with the Family Center of the Municipality of La Spezia
Giuseppe LAVENIA
Conference “ Digital children and adolescents ”
After a brief introduction by the operators of the Center for Families, prof. Lavenia will introduce the concept of " digital well-being " , starting with the analysis of the current reference context. The objective is to give important reflection inputs to parents while also offering a key to understanding the alarm bells for technological dependence . The central theme will be the relationship between children and technology and then focus more on the risks of technological dependence in adolescence.
Author 's biography
Giuseppe Lavenia is a psychologist and psychotherapist who, in addition to dealing with disorders related to anxiety , stress, fears and phobias, has been interested in technological addictions since 2002. Contract lecturer of Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Ancona , former lecturer of various courses at the University of Chieti and Urbino.
Saturday 21 October at 4.30pm
Presentation of the book “ Nero. Truth and life of the most slandered emperor in history ” , Giunti 2022
Presents Rina Gambini
Serious and multiple are the accusations always leveled against Nero, who in the imagination has risen to the status of tyrant par excellence: uncontrollable, bloodthirsty, corrupt. Here his myth is deconstructed and, from childhood to his death, which occurred at the age of thirty-one, we get to know the man as he has never been told, with all his nuances and complexities , in a story without equal. Curiosities and anecdotes follow one another, but also skilful reconstructions of dialogues and plausible representations of life scenes of the time, in an imperial court in which the thirst for power and ambition poisoned every type of relationship, especially family ones. Thanks to an agile use of historical sources, integrating the latest acquisitions of academic research, Silvia Stucchi gives us an original and surprising narrative, which has the merit of presenting the last exponent of the Julio-Claudian dynasty in his time. A compelling prose that combines passionate historical research with a very dense rhythm full of twists and turns.
Author 's biography
Silvia Stucchi has a PhD in Philology and Latin Literature and teaches Latin language and Latin literature at the Catholic University of Milan. Scientific member of the Soci é t é Internationale des Amis des Cic é ron and of the Soci é t é Internationale d ' È tudes N é roniennes , he works as a freelance journalist for various newspapers as well as numerous articles and volumes.
Saturday 21 October 5pm - 6.30pm – LibriamociKids
Workshop for children aged 3-6 years by Alfonso Cuccurullo
Laboratory description
“ Letture a fil di voci ” is a workshop that presents elements that facilitate adult-child interaction for a soft approach to reading and books. Sharing and the pleasure of reading are the fundamental elements for a pleasant and lasting approach to books.
Since 2000, Alfonso Cuccurullo has been conducting storytelling and reading workshops and theatrical performances aloud in schools and libraries and in all those places that can allow us to be together. He is personally involved in the promotion of reading, particularly in the " Born to Read " program for the 0-5 age group , conducting awareness and training courses for parents, librarians, teachers and educators.
Saturday 21 October at 6.30pm – LibriamociComics
Giovanni P. TIMPANO, “ Images, narrative and cross-media ” and artistic performance
Interview with Filippo Conte
Giovanni Timpano will talk about his current and future projects, between Italy and the USA, including comics, books and games. The interview will be enriched by the author 's live drawings .
Author 's biography
Giovanni Timpano made his debut as a regular illustrator of The Shadow, a character on which he worked for five years, culminating with the event series Batman / The Shadow. In 2016 with Zack Kaplan he created Eclipse for Image Comics (published in Italy by Panini). Other titles he worked on were GIJoe, Hellraiser, Vampirella, Cyberforce as well as educational books for Discovery and History Channel. In 2019 he began collaborating with Activision (collaboration still ongoing ), creating both comics within the Call of Duty Mobile video game and illustrations for events connected to titles such as Warzone, Cold War and Vanguard. As an illustrator he has also created official images for the NBA , Ferrari, League of Legends and Valorant. For Italy he published the volume Quarantine Prophets, written by director Fabio Guaglione (Panini), and created the second issue of the Bonelli Mr. Evidence series.
Saturday 21 October at 9pm
Stefano ROSSI
Presentation of the book “ Lessons of love for a son ” , Feltrinelli 2023
Distressed by the new metrics of success, kids are more fragile than ever: if they once faced the specter of guilt, today they experience that of inadequacy , with consequences that sometimes leave one disconcerted. A delicate and profound book to survive adolescence and emerge strengthened. Stefano Rossi, one of the leading experts on childhood and adolescence in Italy, will escort you along the tortuous paths of a difficult and disorienting age. The stages of this journey will translate into 16 lessons of love , so that you can teach young people the most important art of their existence: learning to love each other.
One of the best-known educational psychologists in Italy, he is one of our country's leading experts in the field of emotional education. After 20 years of working " eye to eye " with parents, children and adolescents, he has created a scientifically based educational approach to prepare our children for the challenges of an increasingly uncertain world . He writes for various magazines and has a column in Focus Junior where he talks about emotions to his young readers. He is often a guest on RTL 102.5 to comment on current events in the light of emotional education .
Sunday 22 October 10.30 am – LibriamociComics
Gradimir SMUDJA, “ The invisible thread between art and comics ”
Interview with Filippo Conte
Gradimir Smudja will tell , starting from his three works " The invisible thread " , " Vincent and Van Gogh " and " The cabaret of the muses " , the relationship between Graphic Novel and art history in an intense aesthetic and cultural journey that aims to bring these two worlds into dialogue.
Serbian cartoonist, painter and illustrator, Gradimir Smudja is especially known in France, and for several years he has been considered one of the most skilled and talented authors of the ninth art with his eclectic, ironic and surprising style. Among his main works we find the three volumes of " The Invisible Thread ", " Vincent and Van Gogh " and " The Cabaret of the Muses ", all published by Kleiner Flug. These works are the technically extremely high quality of Gradimir Smudja, the infinitesimal attention to details, the love for quotations and the many levels of reading of his tables are always accompanied by lightness, by an affectionate and profound vision of art and its declinations. The author was a guest of the inaugural exhibition " From Leonardo to Picasso: comics journey through the history of art ", dedicated to his works, at the Palazzo Arti Fumetto Friuli in Pordenone.
Sunday 22 October at 4.30pm
Presentation of the book “ Evagrio's exercises ” , ETS 2023
" Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God " (Mt 5:8), says Jesus . But what does it mean? Evagrius, a Christian originally from Pontus (now northern Turkey) living in the second half of the 4th century AD, is among those who take this warning seriously. For this to happen , two actions are needed, coordinated with each other : moving away from human society and achieving impassibility ( apatheia ), i.e. the interruption of affections. This is only possible by freeing the human being from the vortex of thoughts, words and works of the world. The achievement of this condition, with the description of all the difficulties to be overcome and the steps to be followed, is the object of Evagrius' writings, aimed at clearly showing to the " man of the world " ( kosmikos ) the need to leave behind the usual way of life. Only by relying on a new existential protocol is it possible to reach understanding. This is the task of monachos , i.e. the Christian capable of making use of therapy which allows the human being to see with new eyes (i.e. to know) himself, the environment in which he is positioned and, ultimately, God.
Author 's biography
Roberto Alciati teaches History of Religions at the University of Florence. His area of specialization is the history of monasticism and asceticism in the Christian tradition. He has dedicated many publications to the topic, including Monaci d ' Ovest. IV-IX centuries (Carocci 2018). Since 2014 he has also been a permanent teacher of the Master in Yoga Studies at the Ca ' Foscari University of Venice, where he holds lessons in comparative anthropotechnics, showing, together with Federico Squarcini (director of the Master) and Luca Mori (University of Pisa), how from East to West the human animal tends to carry out similar ascetic exercises.
Sunday 22 October 5.00pm – 6.30pm LibriamociKids
Show workshop for children aged 5-10 years by David Conati, with Morgana and Amerigo Conati
Laboratory description
A laboratory-show on the invention of stories and their transformation.
How do you invent a new and original story? How many ways can it be told? Thanks to a very simple, very engaging guided game we will discover how inventing new stories is easy and fun, as well as playing them with music.
Author 's biography
David Conati is an author, composer, writer and collaborates as a translator with numerous theatrical agencies. In the field of fiction he was twice a semi-finalist at the Bancarellino Prize, twice a finalist at the Minerva Giuliano Prize and winner of the Premio Città di Mesagne fiction section for children. He has also published essays, educational manuals, songs, nursery rhymes, novels, educational guides, tourist guides, humorous essays, theatrical texts and extracurricular texts for important publishing houses including Einaudi Ragazzi and Edizioni Paoline.
Sunday 22 October at 6.30pm
Alessandro RIVALI
Presentation of the book “ My name in the wind. History of the Moncalvi family ” , Mondadori 2023
Presents Giorgio Di Sacco
Night of July 18, 1936. Barcelona burns. The civil war begins which will bring Franco to power. The Italian Moncalvi family, owners of one of the most renowned delicatessens in the city , is at a crossroads: trying to survive in the riots or trying to escape to Italy . They will decide to leave, but it will be a painful struggle. The story of the Moncalvi family is told by Augusto, “ Gutin ” , the youngest of the brothers. After a journey suspended between the relief of having escaped violence, the desperation of having left one's home and the hope of a new future, the boy's dreamy eyes will see the wonders of Genoa, the villa on the Gavi hills where they will take refuge, the ' enchantment of life in the woods. And it is here that Gutin becomes fascinated by an adventurer uncle, a great connoisseur of those sea stories that feed the boy's imagination. But Augusto is also fascinated by a girl with black curls, Laura, with whom he begins to spend his days. What he lacks, however , is the courage to declare his love for her. A few years later this little Eden was blown away by the winds of the Second World War. The beloved uncle chooses to climb the mountains with the partisans, Laura flees together with her family: the Moncalvi's life is no longer the same . Giulia, the older sister, is forced to take care of the house and her brothers, confiding her childhood dreams in a diary. Until one day the Germans take possession of Villa Moncalvi and Augusto, through confrontation with a doctor from the invading army and the increasingly close one with his sister, learns to distinguish the boundary between good and evil and to put the pieces back together of his family history. When the war comes to an end, Gutin tries to track down his uncle and that girl with black curls he hasn't seen for months, hoping that in the meantime she hasn't forgotten about him.
Author 's biography
Alessandro Rivali, writer, was born in Genoa in 1977. His books of poems are The Riviera of Blood (Mimesis, 2005), The Fall of Byzantium (Jaca Book, 2010), The Land of Cain (The Mondadori Mirror, 2021) . He has published the books interviewing Giampiero Neri. A master in the shadow (Jaca Book, 2010) and Return to the classics. A conversation with Giampiero Neri (Ares, 2020). He edited Eugenio Corti's unpublished letters from the Russian front, Io ritorner ò (Ares, 2015). I Tried to Write Paradise (Mondadori, 2018) collects conversations with Mary de Rachewiltz, Ezra Pound's daughter.
Sunday 22 October at 9pm
Riccardo CAMARDA
Presentation of the book “ The hanging passions. How to find your passion in 10 minutes ” , Edizioni del Faro 2022
"Find what you love", "pursue your passion", "do the job you love and you will never work a day in your life", "find your place in the world": we have been hearing this since we were little. But how to do it? Where to start? Riccardo Camarda responds in this work, which intends to present the first scientifically based method for finding one's passion. After interviewing hundreds of extremely passionate guys, Riccardo discovers the secrets that have allowed so many people to find what they love and codifies them into simple and practical exercises. The book is aimed at people of all ages : parents and children, professors and students; to those who are about to choose university , to those who are entering the world of work, to those who are looking for a simple hobby. The "Hanging Passions" represent the powerful loves that each of us wishes to achieve: Riccardo Camarda will help you to stretch out your arm to untie them from the thin thread that keeps them tied, bringing them into your heart.
Author 's biography
was a speaker at the TEDx Youth in Rome in 2019, telling his " Prophecy of Adolescence " and inspiring thousands of young people, in whom he strongly believes. In 2022 he was again a speaker at TEDx with a new, much followed talk, " How to find your passion in 10 minutes " . Student of the famous American life trainer Robert Johnson, he founded Italian Human Capital, the ethical movement that brings together hundreds of young talents " under 30 " to counter the NEET phenomenon and guide young people generations.
All meetings are free while places last. It is possible to book a place through the website