La Spezia Estate Festival - Antonio Cornacchione in "D.E.O. EX MACCHINA OLIVETTI UN’OCCASIONE SCIPPATA"

Funny and sharp, Antonio Cornacchione narrates, with the necessary narrative liberties, the true story of D.E.O., Electronic Division of Olivetti, taking us lightly through his memories as an employee, discovering the heroic researchers who brought Italian electronics to compete in the world. "During the years I spent as an employee at Olivetti - says Cornacchione - I heard many tales about its Electronic Division and the very young researchers coordinated by Tchou. The most persistent rumor was that they were all crazy, a mix between Archimedes Pythagoricus and Jim Morrison! I did my research: yes, they were!" A convincing example of spoken theater, which falls within the category of civil theater, courageous and necessary as it makes the audience reflect on the current sad state of the Italian industry.

Admission: numbered single seat €8,00

Show starts at 09:30PM.