
During the 20’s, the city district of Fossamastra was considered a local version of Viareggio, a fancy tourist destination on the Tuscan coastline, equipped with beach facilities and attracting many tourists each year.

The history of this district is bound to G. S. Olympia, a sports club founded in 1919 and very active both in the field of swimming and in the field of football. Ever since World War II, the sports club has focused its attention on cycling and has organized amateur competitions.

Fossamastra is one the thirteen teams competing in the Palio del Golfo, an historical regatta held each year in La Spezia on the first Sunday of August


Fossamastra, La Spezia

Interesting facts

In the 20’s, the area of Fossamastra was considered a small version of the Tuscan town of Viareggio, with beach establishments on the shoreline attracting many tourists each year.